Friday, September 25, 2009

College Football: Week3

Was it all it was hyped up to be? Florida-Tennessee? The anticipation was excruciating for Gator fans in the Tampa area. Sweat slinked down their brows. Anger and much smack vomiting from their mouths. Eyes wide. Knuckles white. Kick-off...!

What a boring, awful, snooze-fest.

Tennessee reminded me much of Monte Kiffin's former employer. Fast, well-coached defense. Boring, predictable offense. The Gators could've been in trouble during the game. Tennessee was able to run the ball and you could definitely see it taking a toll on the Florida defense, but because of a lack of threat with Tennessee's passing game UF was able to easily adjust to Kiffin's boring, Big 10-like game plan.

Florida's defense was the true winner in that game. Yeah, I know, UF won and it's a team game, but have you ever seen anything so lethargic like UF's offense? I said it in my two previous blog's: do you know why Timmy tucked it and ran so much? It has nothing to do with protection, which UF's line did a good job on that excellent UT front. It has nothing to do with coverage sacks. Tebow has no faith in an injury depleted and drop happy wide receiving core. He also struggled reading an NFL-type defensive scheme.

I'm not one to hang my hat on anything, but I said if it wasn't fixed by Tennessee it's going to linger for the season. Seeing Tim run that much is a recipe for disaster. No, I don't think he'll get hurt. He has proved over and again he can carry the load. But last year he shared the load resulting in a National Championship. The year he thought he could do it all himself he won a Heisman, but fell to a 9-4 season. UF's young wide outs have to step up. Kentucky's secondary is terrible and I expect major strides, swine flu or not, to take place.

And this pissing match between Urban and Lane is dumb. Lane was idiotic in his comments that UF cheated and so on (I actually thought it was okay for him to announce a win during his inaugural press conference. What's he supposed to say? "We're gonna lose to UF and sing 'Rocky Top' all night long.") Meyer stating after the game that his team had the swine flu and that's why they played so poorly, to me, is a slap at Kiffin's kids. Essentially, Meyer's saying, "We won, but we could've won bigger if we were healthy." Why wasn't the swine flu disclosed before the game like other teams have done? If Tennessee would've won, would that have been Meyer's excuse for losing? I applaud Lane for sticking up for his players.

This is football people. This isn't war or politics. Quit getting so upset over trivial matters. I digress...

Florida State shocked me and the rest of the nation by drubbing then #7 BYU on their turf. Ponder is polished and is a good quarterback. No one can deny that. The running game finally showed up and was the hero of that route allowing the offense to stay on the field and keep gunslinger, Max Hall, on the sidelines. Question is, how good is BYU?

The 'Noles are still awful on defense giving up 28 points and nearly 500 yard of offense. That'll never get it done for an ACC Title contention. I have to give them credit though. It seems for every big play they lay down on, FSU's D bounces back with a huge play.

Greg Reid looks like a seasoned vet with that move he put on BYU's tight end. The young freshman corner grabbed Andrew George's shoulder, slowing him down, and cut him off for a pick 6. The refs couldn't see it due to the angle Reid was positioned. I'm not surprised by this NFL move considering Reid is coached by none other than Florida State great Terrell Buckley.

If FSU can get even slightly better on defense, they'll contend for the ACC.

USF took a mighty blow losing senior leader, Matt Grothe to an ACL injury ending his collegiate career. I, along with many other college football fans, enjoyed watching this young man play his guts out for the Bulls. I want to say thank you and good luck in the next level.

South Florida trounced another cupcake in their final scrimmage before heading to Tallahassee. The Bulls running defense is still shaky and Selvie, who's been going up against lesser talent, has been mediocre at best.

Freshman QB and Tally native BJ Daniels grew up an FSU fan and now gets a chance for the potential upset in Tallahassee. He has major shoes to fill because Grothe used to shine in games like these. Maybe some of his magic will rub off on the young signal caller.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Florida crushes Kentucky in Lexington, Florida State wins a close one against South Florida, and Virginia Tech upsets #9 Miami in a brutal slug fest.

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