Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tebow And The Draft

You have to tread lightly and be extremely careful with what you say in regards on Tim Tebow in the Tampa Bay area. According to Florida fans, it’s a reason to go if someone says something even remotely negative about the Gator superstar. To them, the young man is the greatest college football player ever, greatest leader ever, greatest human being ever, and can play all twenty-one positions on the field as well as beat teams by himself. Yeah, Tebow’s that amazing…and if someone comes up with a competent and intelligent argument against the former Heisman winner, it doesn’t matter. You’d be wrong and then Gator fan would want to go.

Why are people afraid to come out and say the negatives about Tim Tebow? The kid was a tremendous college player and will go down as one of the best, but his college career is over and it’s time to focus on his potential NFL future. He’s currently participating in the Senior Bowl practices and, from all accounts, looks awful. He can’t handle a snap from center, his accuracy is way off, his mechanics are atrocious, and his footwork reminds coaches of a person wearing cement blocks. With all of that said, scouts refuse to leave it at those critiques. Typically, they’ll follow all of that with, “But there’s just something about him.” What?! Because I would take a chance in my business with someone that has little skills, but I have a “gut” feeling about. Success in college does not necessarily lead to success in the big leagues.

I’m not trying to hate. He’s an unbelievable collegiate athlete as well as a great kid. The charities, volunteering, et cetera, are enough for me to know that this is a remarkable young man, but this is football and he has a giant target on his back because of the hype that has surrounded him throughout his entire football life. According to ‘50’s hairdo connoisseur and NFL draft guru, Mel Kiper Jr., Tebow’s an H-back with his physical style of play and athleticism. Most QB’s in the NFL have major egos. Can Tebow suck it back and switch to a different position if his quarterback stint fails or will he sulk and whine about it? I don’t know. I think it’ll be an interesting situation and I’m curious to see how it unfolds.

Tim may have to switch positions anyway because according to multiple sources in team offices, organizations don’t want to have to alternate their offenses to suit Tebow’s quarterback skills. If you switch to a different offense that means you’ll have to have a back-up QB the likes of a Tebow and they’re not easy to come by. Actually, they’re nonexistent. It’s a major risk, especially the violent way Tim plays QB. Hopefully, a stable team like New England drafts Tim so he can sit and learn how to actually play quarterback, not “wild cat QB that can throw.”

I’m trying to see this from a different perspective and play Devils Advocate, Gator fan. Relax and don’t try and beat me up. I truly hope the young man succeeds. Heck, you’re telling me Kiper and the rest of these draft nerds knew Tom Brady was going to be any good? Or Kurt Warner? Steve Young was seen as a serious project because of his unusual play and he’s one of the greatest NFL QB’s ever. Tim has the want to and heart to be great, but, in the NFL, it takes more than that. Good luck, Tim.

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